2024 / 87m - USA
Sci-fi, Horror
Distant poster

Plot: Space marines are violently awakened when an asteroid belt hits their spaceship. Only a few escape pods manage to get out. The surviving pods land on a nearby planet, an uninhabited rock that looks extremely uninviting. Andy is all alone and doesn't have a big oxygen reserve left, but then he spots another survivor.


January 18, 2025


Distant is the kind of film made to scratch and itch. If you're craving some outer space sci-fi with horror elements, this one won't disappoint. It sticks to genre conventions and has very few surprises, but the short runtime and slick pacing make sure there's no time to get bored or lose interest.

The plot is simple and the sci-fi elements feel familiar. The creature design is nice though and the performances are decent enough. The direction could've been a little tighter and it would've been nice to see some original ideas, but other than that I had a pretty good time with this. It gave me exactly what I needed.