June 06, 2020
The Adamses made a film. Usually, it's not a very good sign when a large part of the cast and production crew share a last name. It tends to indicate you're dealing with a well-meant piece of amateurish trash. But kudos to this family, they did a pretty decent job making a solid horror flick.
The Deeper You Dig isn't the most original horror film though, then again originality isn't really the strong suit of horror cinema. When a man hits a young girl with his car during a dark, snowy night, he decides to hide the body rather than call in the accident. What follows is a guilt-ridden trip with some occult elements thrown in for good measure.
The acting is pretty decent, the film is moody and the gritty and inhospitable setting adds a little extra grit. While the film is maybe 10 minutes too long, it never gets dulls and the intrigue remain intact until the very end. If you're starved for a good horror film, The Deeper You Dig is a pretty solid choice.