Plot: After a mysterious light kills a menacing monster on a rampage through Tokyo, the remains of the beast fall into a nearby river. It is too heavy to move and no Earthly tools can breach its skin, so now it's lying there, rotting. Japan is planning to turn the corpse into a tourist attraction, money that will come in handy when they start rebuilding the city. An unexpected problem arises when gasses inside the monster start building up and threaten to blow up the entire thing.
October 21, 2022
Miki returns with a lovely Kaiju parody. Instead of people having to battle one or more huge monsters, they're now trying to get rid of their remains. It's an outrageous premise with a relatively deadpan execution, structured and performed as if it was a real Kaiju flick. It's probably a bit too "complex" to be a broad success, even though Miki clearly had a sizeable budget and A-list cast at his disposal. For those familiar with the tropes of the genre though, there's plenty to love. Great performances, strong cinematography, smart jokes, and sly references make the latest Miki a joy to behold. if you're not up to snuff with the trademark Kaiju clichés, it might be a very different story.