Plot: The film tells the story of Koharu and Ayano, two young girls who share a home together. They are best friends and they both work in the design business, so they get along quite well. They have their entire lives in front of them, but things change when Ayano gets pregnant after a night of drunken debauchery. She doesn't want to reveal who the father is, but she plans on keeping the baby. Koharu is willing to help her out, but the two have underestimated the impact the pregnancy will have on their relations
January 28, 2021
A delicate, stylish and modern drama about two young women whose lives are about to be turned upside down. Stellar performances, stunning cinematography and a smart, wonderful score raise this film above the many Japanese dramas released each year. Hajime Tsuda is definitely a bright young talent to keep a close eye on.