Plot: A young American right-wing artist rebels against COVID measures and travels to the UK to meet up with an old friend. He's not what she remembered him to be, and they end up fighting. She steals his car and picks up an old woman, who she promises to drop off for a big chunk of money.
June 03, 2022
Rob Savage returns without another screen-based horror film. It's quite a step up from Host, which ended up being a bit boring and too suggestive. In Dashcam, he makes he turns things around and delivers a manic, constantly thrilling and over-the-top horror flick that should put you on the edge of your seat. If you can stomach found footage that is.
The lead character is absolutely dreadful, but that is clearly by design. The intro is a tad slow too and some of the footage is probably a bit too fuzzy. Once the horror starts though, it doesn't let up and the complete lack of lore adds greatly to the intrigue. I had a lot of fun with this one.