Plot: The 17-year-old Gretchen moves to a resort in the Alps with her father and stepmother. She isn't happy to go live in a foreign place and the people there aren't exactly friendly. One night she is being chased down by a mad woman. She is hurt and needs to go to the hospital, but the locals don't seem to believe her story.
November 13, 2024
A solid mix of horror and mystery, though I wasn't in love with the grim 70s vibe that ran throughout the film. There's something about the colors and the styling that made this film a lot older than it was, which was pretty distracting. It also could've gone a bit harder on the horror elements, which ended up being quite tame.
The setup of the mystery is interesting though and the setting certainly helped with the intrigue. The performances are a little flakey and the middle part did drag a little, but I ended up with a positive balance because of the relatively short runtime and fun finale. It's not a bad film, but maybe I was hoping for a bit more.