Plot: Finlay is a homicide detective who is assigned the case of Joseph Samuels, a Jewish man murdered after a night out in town. A group of army friends are the primary suspects. Monty is a bit of a loose canon, his friends are too drunk to remember anything. Finlay seeks the help of their sergeant, hoping he might crack the case.
July 02, 2022
A murder mystery with a more noirish feel and an "important theme". The film isn't too subtle about it (then again, very few classics seem to be) and it does regularly get in the way of the genre elements, on the other hand it did create a nice diversion from what otherwise would've been a very basic noir film.
This is another noir with a lot (and I mean a lot!) of conversation. It's a very simple narrative, that regularly makes way to delve into the possible anti-Semitic nature of the case. I say "delve", but it's almost like watching school TV, with people delivering very flat and explanatory monologues. Not very good.