Taam Pun Juen Ga
2024 / 120m - Hong Kong
Crisis Negotiators poster

Plot: Cheuk Man Wai is a respected negotiator, but not everybody is happy with his perfect reputation. When one of his colleagues is murdered, Wai becomes the prime suspect. They suspect he embezzled money and killed his partner to cover up his tracks. To prove his innocence, Wai takes the entire police station hostage.


August 11, 2024


As long as Herman Yau is around, Hong Kong cinema won't die. The man is truly unstoppable, with multiple films slated for 2024. Crisis Negotiators is one of them, and while not the most memorable Hong Kong police procedural, it's a decent enough film that references the heydays of Hong Kong crime cinema.

With Ching Wan Lau, Francis Ng, Philip Keung, and an Andy Lau cameo there are plenty of oldskool Hong Kong greats present, most of them are just going through the motions though. The story is pretty basic too, but for a film that is two hours long the pacing is pretty solid and things never get too slow. Decent genre fun.