Plot: A clan is trying to protect its newly appointed leader from Musashi, a legendary samurai. They're absolutely terrified of the guy, so they've hired a small army of mercenaries to help protect them. Musashi outsmarts them all and secures his kill in no time. The tough part is getting out, with 400+ men on his tail and himself fully exposed, he can only fight his way out of this predicament. And that's when it starts.
September 04, 2020
A 75-minute, one take, no cuts, sword fighting action scene lies at the heart of this film, where Tak Sakaguchi takes on between 400 and 600 (because who's counting) adversaries with only a single sword. This is a film that deliberately seeks out the audience's breaking point, but if you manage to withstand the all-out assault it's an amazing experience. One of a kind, crazy Musashi indeed.