2004 / 112m - USA
Crash poster

Plot: People from various backgrounds and with different hopes for life are trying to get by in Los Angeles. Sometimes they bump into each other and sparks fly. Many of their encounters are racially-fueled, but behind the race talk hide different feelings. Feelings they may not want to confess to others.


October 08, 2024


A fine ensemble film that casts a different light on racism. It's a pre-woke film, which is probably how it won its Oscar, but that doesn't mean it is completely void of valid points. Haggis goes a little overboard and he could've toned it down just a little, but we all know Hollywood doesn't do subtlety very well.

Apart from the interesting thematic angle, it's also nice to see Haggis spent a lot of time on the presentation. The soundtrack in particular isn't afraid to take center stage. The performances are good, most of the stories add to the overall picture and while a bit too sentimental in places, most of the emotions felt earned. One of the better Academy winners out there.

July 24, 2005


[review pending]