Kimi no Iro
2024 / 101m - Japan
Drama, Music - Animation
The Colors Within poster

Plot: Totsuko is a young girl who goes to a Christian boarding school. The rules are strict, but the teachers have the kids' interests at heart. Totsuko still feels like an outsider, as she has a rare condition called synesthesia, which mixes up sensory cues. It allows her to see colors in music and people, a condition she never shared with anyone before. When the girl she looks up to the most quits school, she makes it her mission to track her down. She finds her in a second-hand bookstore, where she also befriends a boy who likes to hang around in the store. The three of them decide to form a band.


March 23, 2025


I was a bit worried about this one as I usually don't love Japanese narratives about bands, but Naoko Yamada crafted such a sweet, innocent, and lovely little film that I didn't mind the music scenes one bit. It's one of those films where everyone is gentle and well-meaning. That doesn't mean the film is without drama, only that it's more related to the insecurities and fears lying within the characters themselves. Add some stylish animation and a lovely art style and this is another standout from Yamada.