Plot: Yoshii is a young man making an extra buck by buying up things cheap and reselling them online with a hefty margin. His business is going well and he's thinking of making this his primary job, but then he gets into trouble when he sells off some counterfeit merchandise. His name his tainted and people are out to get him.
January 09, 2025
A film divided into two very distinct parts. The start of the film is rather calm and subdued, slowly setting the stage for a second half that ends up being more gun-fueled. I'm not sure if it even works all that well, but both halves kept me entertained, so Kurosawa must've done something right here.
The performances are fun (Arakawa is a standout), the build-up of the tension is proper and the final hour is amusing. The presentation is a bit dire though, and it still feels like two separate films in the end. It's better than Kurosawa's French excursion, but far from his best work.