Plot: As the title gives away, this film recounts one of Liuxiang's early adventures. Liuxiang is a grand thief who uses his skills to do good. One day he runs into Mu Qianyu, heir to the power of the Devine Water Palace. Qianyu is being targeted by a female ninja, who wants the power all to herself. Liuxiang decides Qianyu can use his help and joins her quest.
October 28, 2021
China is rapidly raiding all its literary sources to fulfill the rising demand for films and other consumable media. Chu Liuxiang is a familiar character that has popped up in numerous Chinese/Hong Kong martial arts films in the past, now he's receiving China's economic TV treatment, though I can't say they made much of an effort with this one.
Though these films are swiftly and cheaply made filler productions by nature, their baseline quality has been steadily rising these past couple of years. Chu Liuxiang seems to be taking a step back again. Poor and unnecessary CG, mediocre performances and some unwelcome melodrama take away from the film's appeal. Not all is bad, but there are definitely better films in this niche.