Plot: The story is basic, but that's not much of a surprise. A father is looking for a suitable groom for his daughter. To find one, they need to escape from the spirit world first. They do and find someone with potential, but haunting him doesn't seem to have the required effect. To make things worse, their target hires a priest to get rid of them.
June 30, 2023
Wu Ma doing some ghostbuster filler. No reference to the Western Ghostbusters mind, but a take on the Chinese vampire hunter niche that was pretty hot back then (though already running on its last legs). It's a very simple film that recycles familiar concepts and faces, but because it was made in '94, the base quality is still pretty high for random filler.
Wu Ma isn't the greatest director, but he can fall back on a well-oiled machine to give his film some extra flair, and his performances are always very spirited. This one isn't up there with the best in the genre, but it's swift and entertaining filler that checks all the boxes. If you're looking for something light and short, The Chinese Ghostbuster won't disappoint.