Plot: Three actresses of age are scouted for the job. They're styled and prepped to look as if they were only 12 years old, they are given online profiles, then the waiting starts. Not for long though, almost immediately after creating their profiles older men begin to contact them, many of them with malicious intentions. Things don't get better when the girls actually engage with these men.
May 19, 2022
Not the most original documentary, certainly one of the boldest I've seen about this subject. The grooming of young girls online is something that is well-documented, but to see it play out for real is quite something else. For that reason alone, this documentary is worth a look, especially for kids or adults dealing with teens.
The doc has a pretty strict focus, which is a shame, as it touches upon some very interesting things that could've used a bit more explaining. At the same time, this narrow focus makes for a more harrowing experience, where no punches are pulled by the documentary team. Not a very pleasant watch, but definitely an impressive one.