Plot: Five young men are at the cusp of adulthood. They were raised in a small coastal town and they've always dreamt big, but now that they're finally adults they seem scared to chase their dreams. They prefer the familiarity and coziness of their small town, rather than going out into the world to realize their dream.
August 12, 2024
While the plot sounds quite heavy, this is actually one of Fellini's lighter dramas. It's sometimes referenced as comedy, but that's taking things one step too far. It's a story about five guys who prefer to remain adolescents rather than become true adults, goofing around their old hometown.
The drama never got to me, thanks to the rough performances and the chirpy dialogue. The presentation isn't the greatest either, the music in particular stood out negatively, but at least it's black-and-white, so there's none of Fellini's gaudy color work. It's also nice the film clocks in under two hours, but list most Fellini's, it left me cold.