Okul Tirasi
2021 / 85m - Turkey
Brother's Keeper poster

Plot: When Yusuf's friend falls ill, the adults at a remote boarding school seem unable to put the boy's priorities first. Instead, they start a little investigation into what happened exactly and who is to blame for their current predicament. Meanwhile, Yusuf can only hope that his best friend survives.


November 13, 2023


Turkish cinema tends to be bleak, and Brother's Keeper continues that longstanding tradition. The setting is depressing, the characters are not very sympathetic, and the dreary styling doesn't add much appeal either. And like many other Middle-Eastern films, it feels less like a narrative and more like a point that needs to be made.

The kids do a pretty solid job, but the miserable location, the bland camera work, and the blatant moralizing made for an unappealing film. There's a little twist at the end that felt tacked on, and it simply wasn't enough to make me care about anything that came before. Not for me.