Plot: Julie is heartbroken, her mother can barely save her from committing suicide. The next day Julie looks determined. She packs her bags and tells her mother she is going on a trip. Julie will seek out five different men to kill them. Each of the men had their part to play in the reason behind Julie's grief.
October 29, 2024
The premise sounded rather exciting, but the film is quite dry and subdued. There's murder and revenge alright, but the audience is mostly caught up in long-winded dialogues and French stiffness. Don't expect any genre pleasures from this one, but there was some stylistic appeal that made it somewhat bearable.
Truffaut isn't my type of director, but I do appreciate that his films often follow a path of their own. Despite that it was quite dry, The Bride Wore Black isn't a very predictable or unimaginative film. Kudos for doing something different, I just wish I could appreciate his style more. Worth a try, especially for the fans of French cinema from the 60s.