Plot: Dave is a young kid who excelled at school. After winning a bike, Dave dreams of becoming a professional cyclist. He's a big fan of the Italian team, so when they're coming to his hometown he trains like mad to beat them. His dad isn't too happy with the cycling business though, he'd rather see his son make better use of his diploma.
October 11, 2021
Now that the pro cycling seasoned is official over, I figured it would be nice to give this film a go. Turns out this isn't really a film about cycling, I even wonder if director Yates ever watched an entire cycling classic/stage. Breaking Away is really a coming-of-age drama about a boy who loves to cycle.
It's a decent enough coming-of-age drama, with likeable characters, but it's also pretty forgettable. The drama is expected, the cycling bits are poorly executed, and the styling is negligible. Throw in some basic romance and a cookie cutter sports finale, and you should have a pretty good idea of what to expect.