2023 / 111m - South Africa
Boy Kills World poster

Plot: A young boy's family is murdered by a family of cold-blooded rulers. He survives and is found by a mysterious man who lives in the jungle. The man trains him relentlessly to become the world's toughest fighter. When he's finally grown up, the time has come to chase the revenge he's wanted for so long.


August 21, 2024


Action cinema in the vein of Guns Akimbo and Hardcore Henry. It's not quite on the same level, but the action is well over the top, there's plenty of smirking and winking going on and the actors are clearly in on the joke. The setting is a little underdeveloped, but the action and brutality make up for it. Not everything works here (the voice-over is annoying and some of the secondary characters aren't up to snuff), but the things that do work more than make up for it. It's been a while since I've had so much fun with a film.