Plot: Liith, a seasoned bounty hunter, is called to find the daughter of a wealthy CEO. She has been kidnapped by one of his soldiers and taken to Pandora. That's the planet where a secret vault holds the info of an advanced alien race. The daughter supposedly holds the key to opening the vault, which makes her a prime target.
October 20, 2024
It's obvious this film only exists because it's a popular franchise that comes with an interested user base. It's certainly not a very good film, but as lazy blockbusters go, it's also not the worst I've seen. And it kept its runtime well under two hours, which is something to be celebrated for this type of film.
The performances are bad, they could've done a lot more with the setting and Claptrap is downright annoying. But the pacing is solid, the film doesn't take itself too seriously and there are some goofy, memorable moments. The world could've done without this Borderlands adaptation, but there's still some fun to be had here.