1997 / 155m - USA
Drama, Comedy
Boogie Nights poster

Plot: Eddie Adams is a young guy who earns an extra buck working in a nightclub. There he is discovered by Jack Horner, a famous porn director. Jack sees potential in Eddie, who is well-endowed. Jack and his wife invite him over and introduce Eddie to the world of porn. He becomes one of its biggest rising stars, but his newfound fame also gets him into trouble.


February 26, 2025


The last time I watched this (more than two decades ago), I was still majorly impressed watching a long(ish) tracking shot. And, fair enough, Anderson shows plenty of flair and offers up a nice mix of drama and (light) comedy. Boogie Nights is a film that bristles with energy, but I don't think it's still up there with the best.

The cast is on point, Anderson does a great job capturing the setting, but the runtime's a little excessive (which is the result of the big cast of characters, but still) and the genre switch at the end didn't work that well. But if you haven't seen this one yet and you have some time to spare, you could do a lot worse.

December 30, 2003


[review pending]