Aokute Itakute Moroi
2020 / 118m - Japan
Drama, Romance
Blue, Painful and Brittle poster

Plot: Tabata tries to stay away from people. That way he won't get hurt, nor will he hurt others. His life changes when he meets Akiyoshi. She has an extroverted personality and clings to Tabata. Akiyoshi is an idealist and together they start their own club, trying to make the world a better place.


September 22, 2024


A drama with some interesting characters and worthwhile themes. What it lacked was a tighter presentation, so that the film could've had a bit more impact. It reminded me of a more commercial take on Midnight Maiden War, a film I found superior in every way. Still, there are some memorable scenes here.

The performances are decent, but the school setup is a little underwhelming and the film gets a bit sentimental in places where it didn't need to be. Especially when some other scenes are razor-sharp. A more confident director could've turned this into a masterpiece, but if you like a Japanese drama with a little twist, go for it.