1950 / 84m - UK
Crime, Thriller
The Blue Lamp poster

Plot: Two policemen are going about their daily business. Meanwhile, a duo of gangsters are planning a series of robberies. They're using Diane as an insider. Things go wrong during the second robbery and one of the cops is shot by the gangsters. They won't let that slide and they start a citywide hunt.


June 18, 2024


A British noir. The classic British films tend to be a lot stuffier than their modern-day descendants, in part because they never seem to make use of their large selection of juicy accents and dialects at their disposal. The Blue Lamp is no exception, but at least the cinematography adds a little extra flair.

The plot isn't too interesting, the performances are very wooden and unnatural and the pacing is rather slow. The only thing that made this a bit more bearable was the stark black-and-white cinematography, especially during the night scenes. It's not much, but at least it was something.