Plot: A group of girls is staying on campus during winter break. A little performance that insults the frat boys is causing quite a stir, as it suggests they've been raping girls. The video of the performance finds its way to the internet, and out of nowhere, a masked killer appears to set the ladies straight.
January 06, 2025
I'm not sure how serious Takal was about the feminist angle in this loose Black Christmas remake, I'm also not going to try and find out to avoid disappointment, but kudos for making this film in an era when wokeness and overt feminism were sure to bomb box offices and IMDb ratings. They sure made an effort to anger as many defensive men as possible.
As a pastiche, this is a pretty fun exercise. The horror is basic, this is nothing more than a modern slasher after all, but the blatant misandry is hilarious and the ways the film keeps adding to it is quite something alright. Good fun if you can keep a distance, if you're too wrapped up in gender fights than avoid this film at all costs.