Dekotora Gyaru Nami
2008 / 75m - Japan
Comedy, Crime
Big Bad Mama-San: Dekotora 1 poster

Plot: Nami is the daughter of a legendary trucker. She grew up in her father's truck and she inherited his skills. After his death, she continues his legacy, but her peers aren't convinced she's the real deal. She gets challenged by a rival trucker gang. Nami isn't afraid to confront them, but her rivals won't play nice.


March 20, 2025


A goofy mix of comedy and crime elements, padded to fit the pinku mould. The pinku scenes don't feel quite as out of place compared to some of the other films in the genre, but the structure is obvious and despite Jojo's valiant attempts, it still bears many of the weaknesses of its genre peers.

The comedy is over-the-top, but that makes the setup rather amusing. It's all a bit lowbrow and the crime elements are superfluous, but considering the short runtime and the slick pacing, the film remains entertaining from start to finish. Jolly fun, but still miles removed from Jojo's recent work.