Hakken to Kokken no Aida ni
2023 / 94m - Japan
Crime, Music
Between the White Key and the Black Key poster

Plot: A young pianist is asked by a lowly gangster to play the theme from The Godfather. He happily obliges, unaware that he is setting some big crime drama in motion. It's the favorite tune of a renowned Yakuza boss and only Minami, his favorite pianist, is allowed to play the song. And so the lives of the two pianists are about to intertwine.


May 09, 2024


Not all that Japan touches turns into gold. I'm not the biggest fan of their music-centered cinema, not even Masanori Tominaga's latest could change my mind. It's still a lot better than I expected it to be, Tominaga is after all a very talented and peculiar director, but it still hits familiar limitations.

The music in the film isn't very impressive, even though it is supposed to be, which is par for the course. The crime story on the other hand is pretty fun, especially when it becomes more convoluted and even takes on surreal qualities. The final third of the film saved this one from mediocrity, and it did so with plenty of flair.