Plot: When Maho returns to Tokyo after having studied in New York, she reconnects with her half-brother, a talented guitarist. With three other members, they form the band Beck. Maho falls in love with one of them, which complicates things as they try to make it in the music business.
August 27, 2016
Live-action adaptation of an infamous rock band manga. It's not my favored genre and the fact that Tsutsumi needed 145 minutes to tell a rather simple story didn't help. Though I have to admit that for such a long film the pacing was adequate, there was a lot going on, even feeling a bit cramped at times.
The personal drama isn't bad (but predictable). The band drama on the other hand is a lot less interesting, but part of that is just me not caring for the music and the band dynamics. This isn't Tsutstumi's best film, but it's not all that terrible considering the genre. Just decent oeuvre filler.