Plot: It's election time in Gotham City, but politicians are having a hard time staying alive. They are killed by a mysterious figure, an outlaw who wants to see real change. Batman is working together with the police to apprehend the culprit, but his involvement goes beyond playing detective.
May 29, 2022
I feel for Matt Reeves. The man made a pretty solid film. The atmosphere is cool, the film looks stylish, the pacing is a bit slow but fits the overall mood. There are only three elements ruining his film: Batman, Catwoman and The Riddler. Because no matter how hard Reeves tries, these superheroes are super silly, and they don't fit a super serious film.
Reeves' rendition of Gotham is one of the best I've seen so far. The plot is a pretty simple police procedural, and three hours is truly too long for a simple film like this, but the mood is thick and the cinematography on point. If Reeves could do a club scene, that would've been even better, but it's the superhero angle that really kills this film. Disappointing.