2022 / 102m - USA
Barbarian poster

Plot: When Tess arrives at her shabby b&b in one of the doubtier neighborhoods in Detroit, she finds the house is already rented out to another guest. Tess decides to spend the night as no other accommodations seem to be available, what they don't know is that they're not the only ones inside the house.


October 30, 2022


Not quite deserving of all the hype, but a solid and fun horror film regardless. Like most films that reset themselves halfway through Barbarian has a little trouble starting up again, but once it's clear where Justin Long's story is going, there's more than enough time left to build up toward a tense finale.

There are some fun and surprising twists, the thing is that they don't really lead anywhere original. The effects are a bit basic and the horror elements are actually quite limited, the soundtrack and cinematography on the other hand make up for that. Prime horror filler, Cregger did well.