Plot: Neri is forced to flee Tokyo and ends up back in Osaka, her hometown. She is picked up off the street by a gang leader, and he makes her part of his crime organization. Neri becomes a catcher, an accomplice, and an aid in a phone extortion scheme. The ties of the syndicate run far and wide and the setup of the organization is meticulous, so the police have a hard time getting to the ring leaders. They land on Neri and hope she can help incriminate the higher-ups. But then Neri's brother turns up. He's a loo
April 28, 2024
Harada delivers once again. The core of the plot is pretty basic, if you've seen a few crime flicks there's nothing too novel there. But the way Harada opens up the narrative is quite impressive, slowly revealing important information while keeping some bits in the dark to keep the mystery alive. Add to that an incredible performance by Sakura Ando, a stylish presentation, and a handful of memorable scenes and what you get is another great film. Harada always manages to add something extra to his film, Bad Lands is one of his prime accomplishments to date.