Plot: Bubby is a grown-up living with his mom. She's never let him out of the apartment and she has an abusive relationship with her son. When Bubby's father returns after 35 years of absence, the family dynamic changes, and Bubby has difficulty coping. He turns against his parents and wants to experience life for himself.
December 25, 2024
Rolf de Heer is an interesting one. Bad Boy Bubby comes with an outlandish, dark premise, then slowly turns it around into a weird feel-good movie. It's been described as a twisted take on Forrest Gump and that's spot on. I really dug the first half, but the film kind of lost me during the second part.
Nicholas Hope does a tremendous job, and Claire Benito is excellent as Bubby's mother. But once Bubby escapes into the real world the film becomes hit-and-miss. The story becomes episodic and not all the characters and adventures are equally fun. Still, if you're looking for something odd, this one won't disappoint.