Plot: One day the members of a small tribe find an abandoned child. Sanga and her husband decide to raise it, but Sanga is a protective mom and she fears her kid will want to seek out his roots when he grows older. Her fears are grounded, as the boy starts climbing the big waterfall that protects the clan's village as soon as he can walk.
September 09, 2024
The answer to the question: can India rival epic Hollywood blockbusters? The answer is a resounding yes, though you are free to wonder whether it should. The only interesting bits here are the cultural elements, which are different from what you'll find in the average Hollywood blockbuster, but that's not enough for 150 minutes of film.
The setup of the film is okay (though not too original), once it's padded with romance and action the film quickly slips into blandly familiar territory. I can't say I was very impressed with this, though the scale easily matches its Hollywood peers, so if you like those types of films, it's worth checking out.