Plot: The film tells Aurora Mardiganian's story. A young woman who escaped the Armenian genocide, ended up in the US and became a movie star when she was cast for Auction of Souls, a film tackling the events she had experienced. The film was a big success but disappeared, with only 18 minutes of it remaining.
September 09, 2023
A mix of documentary and drama, live-action footage and animation. On paper, it's certainly a unique project, the film itself never felt all that special. Mixing docu and animation has gained popularity these past couple of years, and the quality of the animation wasn't good enough to make a real impact.
It's an impressive story for sure, but the animation is just subpar. The art style is quite interesting, impressionistic and rather detailed, but it is animated with very simple motion effects. The music is also disappointing. I think this might've worked better as a regular documentary, the interviews with Aurora are by far the most interesting bits of the film.