Plot: Asteroid City is a little town in the middle of the desert. An asteroid crater is their main tourist attraction, but it's not really doing much for the local economy. Fate unites several visitors as they end up in Asteroid City for various reasons. They'll all be staying a lot longer than they planned when an alien visits the town and steals their tiny asteroid. The army swoops in and puts the town under quarantine. None of the visitors is allowed to leave, so they try to make the best of the situation. Eas
June 23, 2023
I wouldn't really call it a return to form for Wes Anderson, but it's definitely a return to normalcy. No messy anthology structures, no stop-motion weirdness, just a simple narrative elevated by Anderson's witty comedy and detailed styling. As such, it's not one of his most remarkable films, but it sure is a blast to sit through. The cast is tremendous, the use of color is magnificent, the soundtrack is perfectly in line with the visuals and the comedy is pleasant, but with a cheeky dark streak. I'm not surprised Anderson managed to pull this off flawlessly, he's done so before, it's just that I don't mind when it's so skillfully executed. A lovely film.