Plot: A father and his two sons try to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. During the day they look for food and prepare for the night. At night, they try to protect themselves from mean beasts who roam outside. When one of the boys doesn't return by sunset, his father goes out looking for him before the beasts find him.
January 08, 2025
Nicolas Cage headlines this somewhat generic horror flick. It takes a couple of cues from A Quiet Place and throws in some better monster designs to compensate for a lacking budget. It's perfectly fine filler, especially when you're in the mood for this type of film, but it's hardly a standout.
The monsters are cool, which is half the fun. The direction, the performances, and the setting are mediocre though. The film's a bit drab and lacks urgency, especially during the first half. It gets better later on when the monsters get more screen time, but it's not quite enough to make this into a truly memorable horror film.