2013 / 122m - Japan
Drama, Romance
Angel Home poster

Plot: Himawariso is a home for the mentally disabled. One day mangaka Aijo moves in with his daughter Mako. Their adjustment goes well, but it doesn't take long before Mako falls in love with Uyan, one of the other residents. Aijo is worried about the couple, the more so because he just found out he is terminally ill.


September 15, 2024


Dramas where abled people are playing mentally ill characters are always a bit iffy, this one is no exception. The lighter comedy elements were fine, as was the romance, but the dramatic bits were overdone and didn't work well. Not in the least because the plot is already very melodramatic.

It's a shame because the cast is pretty decent under normal circumstances (Takenaka and Hashimoto are decent enough actors), and Tsutsumi can direct a proper movie. The cinematography isn't too bad either, it's just that the drama never feels genuine and for a film that lasts 120 minutes, that's just not good enough.