Plot: Misa is a young woman battling severe PMS, while Takatoshi is recovering from panic attacks. They've both just started working at a new job, and while their first encounters are rough, they quickly realize they're suffering from similar afflictions. A strong bond develops between the two.
December 21, 2024
Miyaki's latest drama is a little atypical, but that's what makes his work stand out. The characters are interesting and their story is endearing, though I'm guessing you need to be a big fan of Japanese cinema to see what makes this one different from a slew of other dramas coming out of Japan each year.
The cinematography is proper, the score is commendable and the performances are strong. There's real heart here and even though not much happens in the way of plot, the film never felt slow or meandering. It lacks that tiny bit of extra polish to be a personal favorite, but Miyaki is clearly talented.