Plot: Pete is turning 31. To celebrate his birthday, he has gotten an invitation from his old college gang. It's been years since he's seen most of them, Pete figures it's as good a time as any to catch up with his former palls, rekindling some old friendships. The party is at a huge estate in a remote part of the country. After several awkward run-ins with the locals, Pete finally arrives at his destination. He feels elated and is ready to get the party started, but his friends are nowhere to be found, and Pete
May 10, 2022
Too often, dark comedy and morbid humor are seen as the same thing. While there is definitely an overlap, I crave the rawness and meanness of a good dark comedy. Not too surprisingly, there aren't that many good ones around, but All My Friends Hate Me pushed all the right buttons. The hilariously tragic lead character finds himself trapped at a hellish birthday weekend with some old college friends, the audience is invited to see his entire weekend go to shit. Gaynord's direction is confident and pointed, the performances are superb, and the comedy has that razor sharp edge, right until the very end. Didn't expect much going in, but this film won me over.