August 08, 2020
This film is about Steve. Steve is about to have the worst birthday of his life. It's going to take a while before the full extent of Alexandra's secret project is revealed, as Rolf de Heer takes his time to set up Steve's birthday party, but from the very first scene it's obvious that something is well off.
There is a constant struggle to keep things interesting, but in the end de Heer comes out the winner. I think a tighter runtime might've done the film some good. It would've given him a chance to eliminate some forced pauses that sometimes take the urgency out of the film, but overall there are a few interesting twists that ramp the intrigue while keeping you guessing about what is to follow.
Performances are decent, but nothing too out of the ordinary. The cinematography is meticulous, but not quite attractive. Alexandra's Project could've used a little extra polish, but in the end the film is twisted and surprising enough to rise above that. A great build-up, some fun twists and turns and a few genuine what-the-fucks. Good fun.