Plot: As the title explains, we're 28 weeks into the outbreak that turned Britain into a zombie graveyard. A small city of survivors has been established, where people try to get back to their regular lives. With the outbreak slowly becoming a more distant memory, security starts to drift, which will have dire consequences.
May 01, 2024
A disappointing rewatch. 28 Weeks Later is a decent enough horror film, but this time I completely failed to recognize what made this film a personal favorite of mine. There's one pretty cool scene (with the helicopter), the rest is proper but basic (fast) zombie fare. A downgrade from the original.
It takes a while before the outbreak rekindles, some flashbacks make sure the first half sports the necessary horror moments. The cinematography is a little messy though, and the film wasn't as tense as I remembered it to be. It's still fun to see a young Imogen Poots and Jeremy Renner (completely forgot about them), but it's simply not as exciting anymore.
September 23, 2007
[review pending]