floatitis pt5
In this pre-final article on float prevention, I'll be digging into a method which though very interesting, has little practical value (yet). This of course does not mean people shouldn't be more aware of it, as there will be times ... far away times where ie6 will be nothing more than a long forgotten myth. And now's the time to get prepared.

what's inline-block?
Inline-block is a lesser known and somewhat poorly supported (that's where ie6 comes in) display property value. It's pretty interesting as it makes the element it's applied to behave like an inline element from the outside, but makes it behave like a block element from the inside.
Practically speaking this means that when, for example, applied to li elements within a ul element, all li elements will behave like they were set inline, placing themselves next to each other while also maintaining the same baseline for the content. Something which is pretty much impossible to achieve using floats.
But at the same time, the li elements can be given widths, heights, paddings and margins in all directions. That's where the block part comes in. It's actually the best of two worlds.
the float alternative
.paging ul {text-align:center;} .paging ul li {display:inline-block; white-space:nowrap;}
The inline-block display value comes quite in handy when all elements within a parent are otherwise floated in the same direction. Typically, this method is very suitable for styling horizontal (navigation) lists, as can be seen in the example above. All you need to do is make sure the element itself won't wrap to the next line (something inline elements do), which is easily done by adding the nowrap value.
In the example above, all li elemets within the paging container will be set to display-inline so they will all align to the same baseline. One added benefit is the fact that inline elements can be centered through their parent container. A mere text-align:center
suffices to mimic the often begged for float:center
not all is well
Sadly, this method has a few drawbacks too, most notably the lack of support in ie6. You can use this method in all modern browsers, but you'll still need to revert to alternative methods when dealing with ie6. In some cases a mere display:inline
will suffice though, as long as the block behavior of the element is of no further use. Otherwise, it's back to floating in ie6, defeating the purpose of this method.
Still, there's a more irritating problem. Inline behavior is partly influenced by the source html itself, in the way that all spaces between elements in the source are converted to one single space in the page. This becomes a problem when you're stacking li elements underneath each other, as a space will be added between each element in the page. Not something you want when all elements should be aligning right next to each other.
<li>...</li>< li>...</li><
Only solution I've found so far is to stitch these elements together in the html source. A very dirty way of writing html which I don't and won't support, but that's a decision everyone needs to make for himself. Apart from that, little experiments with the css word-spacing property amounted to very little. If anyone has any bright ideas to solve this problem, be sure to let me know.
While there's a lot of potential here, this method can still only be used in controlled circumstances. Only when ie6 does not matter, or when a display:inline will suffice in ie6 is this method of any use. Even then there could arise some problems with added spaces between the elements.
Next time I'll be closing off with a little recap of what we've ran through and a quick look at what the future will bring us to counter the abuse of floats. So stay tuned.