guest article 02

From time to time it's nice being a guest at someone else's website. They go through all the trouble to make sure people read your article. On the other hand, there's more pressure to deliver an article about an agreed topic and you provide content for their readers. I was royally late with the following article on css nesting issues, but I guess the result turned out quite well.

staying elsewhere

This time the nice people of dzone were kind enough to accept my article, they own an interesting site where articles are favored based on user ratings and votes.

The article itself digs deep to find the true reason behind one of the most annoying css issues left today. When you start nesting components inside each other the rules of css do not match that of the human mind. As a result, we often find ourselves cursing at the limits of the css code we have written. There's no real solution to this problem, but there are some measures that can be taken which might save you some embarrassment.

Want to find out more about this problem, how to fix it (somewhat) and why this problem exists, check out css nesting specifics - when css misbehaves.